The world seen through my lens...
Name : | Diana |
Nick Name : | Dee, Didi |
Birthdate : | On a rainy Thursday, it must have been the 27th of June of some year |
Birthplace : | Transylvania |
Current Location : | Still in Transylvania |
Eye Color : | Hazel |
Hair Color : | Black & red at the moment |
Height : | 1.86m |
Piercings : | Not anymore... :( |
Tatoos : | Soon... :D |
Boyfriend/Girlfriend : | Not right now |
Vehicle : | 2 legs with fitting feet |
Overused Phrase : | Mhm... |
Food : | Pasta |
Candy : | Caramel |
Number : | 7 |
Color : | Black & Purple |
Animal : | Wolf & Cat |
Drink : | Cuba Libre, Absinthe |
Perfume : | Pure Poison Elixir - Dior, Opium - YSL |
TV Show : | CSI: Miami, Twin Peaks, X-Men Animated |
Music Album : | Die Verrueckten sind in der Stadt - In Extremo |
Movie : | Fight Club, The Doors, A Clockwork Orange, I am Dina, Session 9, Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks |
Actor/Actress : | David Caruso, Tim Roth, Russel Crow |
This or That | |
Pepsi or Coke : | Coke |
Chocolate or Vanilla | Both |
Hot Chocolate or Coffee : | Coffee, black |
Kiss or Hug : | Both |
Dog or Cat : | Cat |
Rap or Punk : | Metal |
Summer or Winter : | Summer |
Scary Movies or Funny Movies : | Mood conditioned |
Love or Money : | Love |
YOUR... | |
Bedtime : | Never before 2am |
Most Missed Memory : | Huh?!? |
Best phyiscal feature : | No idea |
First Thought Waking Up : | Gimme coffee and no one gets hurt! |
Weakness : | Chocolate... |
HAVE YOU... | |
Cheated Your Partner : | I don't have one... So... |
Ever been beaten up : | Nope |
Ever beaten someone up : | I'm a lover, not a fighter |
Ever Shoplifted : | Nope |
Ever Skinny Dipped : | Yup |
Favorite Eye Color : | Blue & Green |
Favorite Hair Color : | Dark |
Short or Long : | Depends on the person |
Height : | At least 1.82m |
Looks or Personality : | Personality |
Muscular or Really Skinny : | Muscular, but not too much |
What country do you want to Visit : | Germany, Norway, UK, Japan, Egypt, Cambodia |
How do you want to Die : | in peace |
Get along with your Parents : | most of the time |
Health Freak : | nope |
Believe in Yourself : | most of the time |
Do you Smoke : | Yup |
Do you Drink : | Yup |
Been in Love : | All the time |
Do you Sing : | Not even in the shower |
Want to get Married : | When the time is right |
Do you want Children : | probably |
Age you wanna lose your Virginity : | been there, done that |
Take Survey | Create Survey |
5 Kommentare:
Das dritte und das letzte Foto sind die besten der Serie.
Danke für den Kommentar. Freut mich dass sie dir gefallen.
Ein hübsches Kleid, aber viel zu viel gewaltige Architektur. Sieh Dir mal
Das dritte gefällt mir immer noch am besten.
War starkes Sonnenlicht,oder? Vielleicht nen Filter oder nachbearbeiten, die Treppe wirkt sonst zu hell. (Meiner Meinung nach)
Ja, das Sonnenlicht war sehr stark.
Die Sachen haben wir gegen Mittag, kurz bevor ich Brüssel verlassen habe, geschossen.
Nachbearbeitet habe ich daran nichts, weil all dies gescannte Analogaufnahmen sind. Filter habe ich leider für die Analogkamera nicht... :(
Kommentar veröffentlichen